Career & Technical Center

Career & Technical Center
302 N Madison St
Calhoun City MS 38916
Phone: 662-628-1143
Principal Willie Mays
Career and Technical Education is a very important component of the students education experience at the Calhoun County School District. It is our desire and goal to make the learning experiences that your child has while under our watch are both meaningful and worthy of their time. In today's global society, we must prepare every student to be ready to enter the workforce or continue their education on the post secondary level. I invite all parents to check out the offerings of Career and Technical Education and encourage your child to explore one of the career fields that we offer at our center. Willie Mays, |
Courses Offered
Law and Public Safety
Ms. Gabi Bedolla, Instructor
The year 1 course focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. Students will leave the class with a firm foundation of knowledge in these areas. Additionally, students will learn the importance of personal health and safety in the work environments associated with law and public safety. Students will also be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities. Additionally, students will focus on corrections in the state of Mississippi, studying specifically how jails and prisons function.
The year 2 course focuses on specialized areas and topics within the law and public safety arena. Students will learn about these particular areas and examine the daily tasks and responsibilities of the professionals associated with them. The course will offer students the opportunity to examine all areas of the military and the professions associated with each.
Teacher Academy
Mrs. Natalie Mays, Instructor
Teacher Academy I is an entry level course. Students gain foundation competencies related to students as learners, planning and assessing teaching, teaching strategies, and communication skills.
Teacher Academy II provides students with the opportunity to gain advanced skills needed to enhance them as learners, teachers, and communicators. Students receive advanced hands-on field experiences
Mr. Andrew Hamilton, Instructor
Metal Fabrication I content includes orientation and leadership, basic safety, math, measuring tools, and instruments, blueprints, hand and power tools, lathe theory and operation, milling machine theory and operation, drill press and band saw, and introduction to welding. Safety is emphasized in each unit and every activity.
Metal Fabrication II includes grinding theory and operations, advanced precision machining techniques and an emphasis on welding processes. Welding topics include employability skills, safety, basic oxyfuel cutting, plasma arc cutting (PAC), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux core arc welding (FCAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW). The course should be taken after the student has successfully passed Fabrication I.
Work-Based Learning
Mrs. Alisha Jackson
The WBL courses gives Mississippi high school students the opportunity to earn academic credit for their authentic work experiences. To receive credit, students must be enrolled in a WBL course and meet all course requirements. Students do not have to be enrolled in a CTE program to enroll in this course
Automotive Service Technology
Mr. Kevin Hall, Instructor
Automotive Service Technology is a pathway for students in the Transportation career cluster. The following description is from the current Career–Technical Education career cluster website:
“Careers in the Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance pathway include the maintenance, repair, and servicing of vehicles and transportation facilities, as well as the refueling of mobile equipment. All transportation relies on equipment which must function as designed, whenever needed. The people in this pathway keep the equipment and machinery running while looking for more efficient, safe, and cost-effective ways to do so.”
Construction Core and Carpentry
Mr. Nick Doles, Instructor
The Construction course introduces students to fundamentals of construction safety, tools, math, and blueprint reading, as well as basic carpentry, electrical, masonry, and plumbing skills.
The Carpentry course consists of an in-depth study of basic safety, construction math, materials, wall, ceiling, and roof framing; windows and doors; and construction essentials.
Digital Media Technology
Mrs. Sherrie Powell, Instructor
Digital Media Technology I encompasses the foundation skills necessary in the digital media industry. Content such as safety, ethical issues and production, photography, graphic design, and print production will be offered to students. The Audio Production and Media Rich Content portion of the course emphasizes real world, hands-on practice.
Digital Media Technology II focuses on the process of video production and editing as well as career opportunities in audio and video technology. Another component of the course is motion graphics.
Mr. Chris Webb, Instructor
Engineering I teaches students the history of engineering and the careers associated with the field. The students will also learn the foundations and fundamentals of engineering and materials, as well as the engineering design process and the steps one follows for successful design planning. Additionally, students are introduced to the advanced concepts of 3D sketching and modeling with CAD software. The course introduces students to the field of robotics in engineering. It also focuses on several fields of engineering specialization.
Engineering II is a comprehensive course that focuses on the following four systems: electrical, fluid, mechanical, and thermal. It also introduces students to flexible manufacturing systems, or how robotics and drafting work together to create products. Additionally, the course teaches students advanced robotic concepts. Students will also learn valuable workforce readiness skills and prepare for jobs in the field of engineering.
Health Sciences (Core) & Healthcare and Clinical Services
Mrs. Brittany Wright, Yr 1 Instructor
Mrs. Brooke Stewart, Yr 2 Instructor
The Yr 1 Health Sciences (Core) course introduces students to the theory and practical applications of tasks related to employment in the field of health science. Students will cover topics such as safety in the workplace, infection control, health care systems, and the vital organs of the human body. The course offers insight into careers in health care as well as educational requirements and the professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities involved.
The Yr 2 Healthcare and Clinical Services course helps the student establish insight in the healthcare field. Students will be exposed to the theory and applied tasks related to careers within health care. This course covers topics such as human growth and development, health informatics, information technology, and therapeutic and rehabilitative services. Other topics include medical and emergency services, mental health, and pharmacological and nursing services.
Mr. Josh Threet, Instructor
Diversified Agriculture
Kim Moss, BHS Instructor
Amanda Taylor, VHS Instructor
Principles of Agriscience is the foundation course for the diversified agriculture program. All students must complete Principles of Agriscience before being allowed to enroll in the advanced courses of the program.The course serves as an introduction to the sciences, technologies, and applied practices of the progressive agriculture/agriscience industry. Emphasis is on an active learning environment enriched with technology and science-based applications. The course focuses on providing an opportunity for students to explore the different fields of the agricultural sciences and develop foundational skills and knowledge needed for advancement in other courses and programs (Agribusiness Core, Agricultural Communications, Agricultural Leadership, Animals Core, Environment Core, Food Science, Mechanization Core, Plants Core, Poultry Science, Veterinary Science).
Annual Public Notice of Non-discrimination in Career & Technical Education Programs
2021-2022 Public Notice of Non-discrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
The Calhoun County School District offers career and technical education programs in Agriculture, Automotive Service Technology, Construction Core and Carpentry, Digital Media Technology, Engineering, Family and Consumer Science, Health Science (Core) and Healthcare and Clinical Services, Law and Public Safety, Metal Fabrication, Middle School Technology, Teacher Academy, and Work-Based Learning. Availability of programs are based on student interest, grade level appropriateness, and class availability. All grade 7-8 students are offered middle school technology programs on their home campus. Grade 9-12 students are offered programs at the Calhoun County Career and Technical Center and on their home campus, depending on program availability.
It is the policy of The Calhoun County School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to career and technical education programs, services, or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The Calhoun County School District will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all career and technical programs. Individuals with questions, complaints, or needing additional information concerning Calhoun County School District career and technical education offerings and specific pre-requisite criteria may contact the Calhoun County School District Career and Technical Center Director.
Willie Mays
Calhoun County Career and Technical Center Director